There’s an Elephant in My Bedrooom

My dad told me to keep my legs closed…

My mom told me nothing…

The church told me to wait until marriage…

School cautioned me to the STDs…

It’s something I’ve managed to avoid doing and talk about up until I got married. Imagine spending over a year in a dating relationship being very intent about protecting our purity, and when we’re finally ‘allowed’ to have sex on our wedding night… I can’t! Instead, we order room service and as he’s eating his burger my now husband is looking at me like ‘would you like to phone a friend?!’ LOL! I can laugh at it now, but this area of our marriage continues to plague us. It’s been such a taboo topic for so long that even 5+ years into our marriage it’s something I can’t talk to my husband about. Recently, we had a conversation in which he described it as “something we do in secret.” I would say I am fully aware that sex is a gift from God, but the honest truth is if I were in fact fully aware then it would not be such a reoccurring issue in our marriage.

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Newlyweds honeymooning in Jamaica. August 2010…

For so long, I imagined sex as being something that would happen naturally. We’d be walking past each other in the house, and then this overwhelming passion would just erupt in us that we’d get it on right then and there because there would be nothing holding us back. That aligns with everything I saw in the movies. To be honest, that’s where I ‘learned’ most about sex. The church preached wait until marriage. Me, being the obedient Christian girl I was, did just that… I waited! Not to say I wasn’t tempted or didn’t get close to the line. It’s crazy because it’s been shared with me that “Satan will do everything he can to get you to have sex before marriage, and everything he can to get you to refrain from it after.” Unfortunately, nothing has ever been so true. My sex life is impeded by my own insecurities of my husband’s past sexual experiences, things he’s seen in media, my own lack of experience & the feeling of not being sexy enough.

It’s crazy how ill-prepared I was for my wedding night. As I reflect back on it I literally feel like I was thrown to the wolves. My poor husband! I’m not sure he even knew what he was getting himself into by marrying a virgin. I literally knew nothing!!! Accompany a lack of knowledge on my end with a wealth of experience on his end, and the summation is a significant amount of insecurity in me. Surrounding sex in our marriage, I always think about his previous partners and the things he’s seen and wants to experience and I tell myself I cannot compete! I think I’ve told myself this lie for so long that I’ve actually begun to believe it and use it as a crutch to why we do not have a thriving sex life.

In the midst of drafting this blog post, I came to the conclusion that I’m over it! I challenged myself to 7 days of educating my mind about sex & actually being intimate with my husband for 7 days straight. At the end of the challenge my husband thanked me for “paving a road where [he] thought there was a dead end in our marriage.” These words saddened me, but at the same time gave me life and a new found hope. My own personal take away from the seven day challenge is a sense of empowerment of being more informed about my body, as well as being able to move in a direction toward becoming more comfortable having certain conversations with my husband. I also feel empowered to begin having these conversations with other women in the Christian community and even outside of it. The message of the church needs to go beyond “wait until marriage.” We need not to tiptoe around the topic, but we need to get into the nitty gritty of it all.

I share this post not to condemn anybody, but rather to encourage other women who might be dealing with similar issues in their marriage. I feel as though I need to hide 1 Corinthians 7: 2-5 in my heart, …each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.” There’s so much meat to chew on here, but the main thing is that we are called by God to enjoy each other in a very intimate way in marriage. I appreciate how Grace and Mark Driscoll sum up the benefits of such intimacy in their book, Real Marriage. They describe the benefits as follows: (1) Pleasure, (2) Procreation, (3) Oneness, (4) Knowledge, (5) Protection & (6) Comfort. There is a sense of oneness that can serve as a safeguard in one’s marriage. At least that’s true for my marriage! I look forward to continuing to pave a road in my marriage in such a way to fully enjoy the ride, if you know what I mean! LOL!

22 thoughts on “There’s an Elephant in My Bedrooom

    • Mia says:

      Wow. Thank you soooo much for this post! I have had similar concerns for my future marriage and this really encouraged me! Growing up in the church, we always hear how ‘little sex’ you’ll have once married or that it’s overrated. Which isn’t helpful at all. And I’m like “uh I didn’t wait all this time for nothing!” I think it will be beneficial to have candid conversations with my future husband. I definitely plan on doing my ‘homework’ and remind myself that sex IS a beautiful thing to be enjoyed in marriage. Thank you again!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Libby says:

    This is a beautifully honest post. I was not raised with Christian values and I worry that my daughter’s have no interest in talking about the nitty-gritty with me, even though I am more than willing. I do not know if they will both make it to marriage as virgins. I hope so, but I also hope they will let not be prudes once married. I want them to have healthy, enjoyable sex lives once married, just as God intended.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mrs. Melanin says:

      I’d say you be the one to start the conversation, because in this day & time they’re talking to someone. They may be just as open to have the convo as you, but don’t know how to start the conversation. 😉


  2. msskrss says:

    I love your candidness. Many of us Christian girls are late bloomers in sensuality but the plus is, when we bloom (for our husbands) we have the potential to be RIPE with wisdom, self-acceptance and an unabashed enthusiasm! I had a Pastor’s wife once who held a conference and told us all no excuses! To keep Red Bull by the bed and get to it! She said she had been and all the specialty shop so we wouldn’t feel ashamed and hide behind excuses..she had said she can recommend anything that we needed to train and maintain! LOL I loved her for that because she normalized the struggle and encouraged in such a funny but real talk way in the context of “now that we’s married…”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 2aiming3arrows says:

    Omg! I needed this! My drive has sharply declined (compared to my hubby’s) after 3 kids in 6 years. Plus I’m a s@h/homeschool mom. I think I need the 7 day challenge to help me get into come consistency and also show my husband I’m trying lol Thank you SO much for your honesty!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Kathryn says:

    This is so encouraging (from another obedient Christian unmarried virgin). If I’m honest, I’ve never really thought about it but those insecurities you mentioned sound like exactly the same ones I could have, esp if my future husband (if God wills) isn’t a virgin. I too am fully anticipating overwhelming passion moments because of media/movies, LOL. Love your post!


  5. sharon Bradshaw says:

    I am just at a lost for words, I read your post thinking of how I was raised in the church and my parents basically raising me to be naive so that I would not want to have sex before marriage their thoughts were if they didn’t bring sex up then I wouldn’t think about it. How wrong they were, even in their being really great parents because there are so many other factors like friends that get in the way of that and so if parents talk to their kids about sex it takes some of the pressure or questions that they may have that someone their own age will ultimately get wrong. I applaud you for waiting until marriage to have sex, I tried waiting until then but the devil is really busy and at 24 I had premarital sex and eventually a son and because in my beliefs I didn’t have sex again for 4 years met a man had sex and yet another baby. I say that to say that I still am not comfortable with my body and sex. I have always believed that if the church dealt with sex in raw way then we would not have as many teenager having babies, but the fact that they won’t be open about it or no one will then the cycle will continue Christian or not. I talk openly to teens as that is what I feel is my obligation to do I also talk to my own children, who are now 20 boy and 16 girl, so that they will not feel they have to repeat same pattern. The sin was in having sex and not in my children they are perfect. I believe God said this is not the path I choose for you but since this is the path you have taken I will use you to glorify me and that is seen as I have chosen to give them back to Him and he has fathered them well. I love watching your husband channel and especially when you are in it you have such a pure heart, I really wish you would keep Beleaf in motherhood going you have such a beautiful interaction with your boys. God bless you!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mrs. Melanin says:

      Thank you for stopping by to check out the blog! Thanks for watching BIF! This topic was definitely a tough one to open up about, but my heart behind doing so was to encourage the believers (& others) that read it to challenge our churches to create an open dialogue! Let’s be the change we want to see, right?! Kudos to you for having a dialogue with your own kids & others! God bless you! And about that BIM… We shall see! I kind of had fun! Haha!


  6. kerry kay says:

    Thank you for watching your husband YouTube videos. Your right in saying that the church doesn’t talk about sex and it has cause a lot of issues. Young ladies are afraid to ask about it in fear that they will be shunned, and the more mature ladies do not speak on it because it taboo. It is something that I struggle with in the christian community, thank you for sharing about your experience.
    P.S. Glad that you came on your honeymoon in Jamaica.
    Sending you love from Jamaica!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Jessyca says:

    Thanks for sharing this! I’m a big fan of BIF and I really think we have a lot in common. I’m 30 going on 31 and am still a virgin. I’ve been in my first “real” relationship with my boyfriend for 1 year and some change and he’s abstinent. I’ve never had to experience a real challenge to my virginity until now but we by sheet grace we’ve been able to maintain even though we might go a bit further than we need to lol. I grew up in the church and while no-one talked about the true purpose and beauty of sex, I’d actively seek out info on it out of curiosity. If read a lot of inappropriate things and seek out pornography and stuff just never doing it. I was searching for a level of fulfillment within that. I eased up on that out of conviction and later I got serious about my relationship with God. I’d been single about 14 years when I met my boyfriend in grad school. Anyway older virgins do exist and pure relationships still happen with grace. Keep sharing and God bless you!!

    Liked by 1 person

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